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  • urbanqifit

Encounters With Qi...

This month marks my 39th year of studying, practicing, and teaching the Chinese arts of Qigong and Taijiquan (Tai Chi) which I began learning from Taoist Master Mantak Chia in Braintree, Massachusetts. Since becoming a Certifed Healing Tao Instructor in 1993, I've had the privilege of directly learning from and studying with other renowned Chinese healing arts teachers (Master Wang, Qingyu, Dr. Heiner Fruehauf; Fabien Maman; the late Grandmaster Roosevelt Gainey; Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming; and Grandmaster Wei Zhong Foo whom either certified me to teach and/or adopted me into their lineage.

Predating these teachers were the influences of my paternal grandmother, my mother, father, and my babysitters (adherents of Santeria) who each taught me about the validity of the unseen during my childhood. It was these nascent encounters with the ephemeral that whet my appetite and set me along the path that brought me to each of my Qigong and Taijiquan teachers in search of answers. And, yes, then there was the strange and inexpicable exchange with the elderly Chinese martial arts teacher in that empty loft in Boston's Chinatown the summer of 1984...

I invite you to post your "Encounters with Qi" in this blog to document your experiences and share them with others who are studying Qigong and Taijiquan. Your experience of Qi, this intrinsic energy we embody, is personal yet universal. It is hoped that in reading a variety of others' experiences, you will discover a commonality that inspires you to be stadfast with your self-cultivation training.



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